Chines are a bit useless so why do we have
There are
plenty of theories to explain why we have chins, but none of them stands up to
scrutiny. Will we ever solve the mystery?
By Melissa
4 February
Chins: we all have them, sitting a
bit uselessly at the bottom of our faces. Some people have strong chins, others
are said to have weaker chins. But if you were pushed to explain what chins are
actually for, would you have a good answer? Nobody seems to use their chin for
anything useful.
It becomes even stranger when you
consider that among the all primates – including our extinct relatives – only
we have chins. Nobody seems to know why – although over the last century
several theories as to its purpose have been offered.
A review of all the previous
literature now seeks to put some of these assertions straight. "They
[chins] are really strange, and that kind of drew my attention,"
says James Pampush of Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, who has been
studying our humble chin for several years.
"Nobody had put forward a good idea about why humans would be the only
animals with chins," so he set out to to untangle
the enduring puzzle of the human chin in a recent review.
Humble: Modest
Untangle: Solve
We all have a pretty good idea what
a chin is, but it’s useful to define it nonetheless. Put simply, our chin is
the protrusion of the bone that appears below the front wall of the human
mandible (lower jaw). No other animals have chins – chimpanzee and ape jaws slant inwards for instance.
Even our closest extinct relatives such as Neanderthals did not have them.
Slant: Inclined
Inwards: Inside
In fact, one of the ways that
scientists differentiate between an anatomically modern human and a Neanderthal
skull is by looking to see if it has a chin. "That is what makes the
appearance of chins in anatomically modern humans so interesting. It implies
that there was some sort of behavioural or dietary shift between Neanderthals
and anatomically modern humans that caused the chin to form," says Zaneta
Thayer of the University of Colorado, Denver, another researcher who has
studied the human chin.
Although nobody can quite agree why
the chin exists, there are three prominent theories that have been around for

Falls flat: If an event or attempt falls flat or falls flat on its face, it is
When we chew, our jaw gets pulled
apart a bit like a wishbone and the
further apart our jaws are the weaker the bones are. If we were to protect
ourselves from the stresses of chewing we would need more bone on the inner
wall of the jaw near the tongue, not beneath our jaw.

That's exactly what you see in
chimpanzees and macaques. They have extra bone on the tongue-ward side of their
lower jaw, called a "simian shelf", which we do not have. The added
bone that forms our chin is not very useful for additional chewing strength.
Another point Pampush is keen to make is that we don't have a very tough time chewing in the first place. Much of the food we eat is soft, especially
cooked food. "That's why the chin is not an adaptation for chewing,” he
Is keen to make: Wants to remark
Tough [ tʌf ]: Hard, rough
Flora Groening at the University of
Aberdeen in the UK, agrees. Five years ago she used a computer model to look at
the mechanical load on the mouth with and without a chin. "There wasn’t
clear evidence to support the claim that the human chin is a result of a
mechanical adaptation," she says.
Others have argued that our chin
helps us to speak, that our tongue needs reinforcements from extra bone below
our jaw. We are the primates with the most extensive speech repertoire after
The issue here is that we don't need
much force to speak, so it’s not at all obvious why we would need extra bone to
help with the process. And if we did need any extra bone, just like for chewing
it would be far more useful to add it to the inside of our jaw, closer to our
tongue, rather than tagging it onto the
bottom of our jaw.
Tag: In this case, add, put on.
The third idea is that the chin
doesn't have an immediate function, but that it has been chosen by sexual
selection. It is our equivalent of large-flanged orangutan faces or a male elk's large antlers. These are
traits that have both been selected for when the opposite sex is considering a
mate. This ensures they live on in future generations even if they have no
direct benefit or use.
Elk: An elk is a type of large deer
Antler: A male deer's antlers are the branched horns on its head
Again there is a problem here,
Pampush says. In all other mammals only one sex will have a sexually selected
trait. Chins on the other hand are found on men and women. "If it’s an
adaptation for sexual selection then we are the only mammal that has the same
in both sexes," he says.
The three hypotheses mentioned all
therefore fall flat, says Pampush. In fact, he argues that nobody can know why
we truly have a chin at all. "Anyone who tells you that they know [why] is
lying." Many of the ideas proposed so far have not stood up to scrutiny,
he says, while others are untestable.
Unfortunately, then, we are no
closer to explaining why we have a chin. But if we look at it another way it
might become more apparent how it came to sit on our faces so prominently,
despite having no functional use.
It could simply be what's called a
"non-adaptive trait" that arises as a by-product of something else.
This is an idea that was suggested in 1979 by the biologists Stephen J. Gould
and Richard Lewontin. The chin, they said, is a "spandrel".
This is the name given to an architectural feature below some church domes that
is often so ornate it looks as if it was the starting point for the building’s
design. In reality, spandrels only exist because they help support the dome
above them. In other words, spandrels – both biological and architectural – are
a by-product of a change happening elsewhere.
Our faces getting smaller may be
what caused this particular spandrel to show, according to Nathan Holton of the
University of Iowa. He says the chin may simply be a by-product of the
reduction of the human skull. Our mandibles, for instance, are less robust than
those of our extinct hominin relatives. As our ancestors developed and used
fire to cook their food, they no longer needed such strong jaws to chew. This
means the overall strength of the jaw in turn became reduced.
Other features changed too. We lack
a prominent brow bridge and we have a hollow point below our cheek bones (technically called the
"canine fossa"). These have also been linked to our smaller faces,
Holton says. "The presence of a chin is probably part of this trend as
well. In this sense, understanding why we have chins is really about explaining
why human faces became smaller."
Brow ridge: The brow ridge, or supraorbital ridge known as superciliary arch in
medicine, refers to a bony ridge located above the eye sockets of all primates. Brow bridge???
Hollow: Deep
Groening also favours this idea, and
says that the appearance of a chin could have helped to maintain some of the
strength our lower jaws once had. "Neanderthals and Homo erectus had such
robust mandibles, they didn’t need an extra thickening of the bone in the chin
region, they already had strong jaws and robust bone," she says. Modern
humans in contrast have very graceful bones. "A chin might help to provide
a bit of extra resistance to maintain a certain mechanical strength, but
doesn’t really increase the [overall] strength."
On the other hand, a spandrel could
also have been caused by a random event or accident, rather than as a
by-product of useful adaptations elsewhere in our faces.
"I am doubtful that it's an
adaptation," says Pampush, but the problem is that for now nobody can
prove it is an accident either. "We don’t have the tools to do so right
So if none of the proposed theories
fit the bill, and we cannot prove the spandrel hypothesis, you might wonder why
Pampush has spent so long researching the human chin.
It makes more sense when you
consider that, although chins are pretty weird, studying them helps pinpoint the evolutionary processes that make us who we are
today. It also exposes that evolution works in many ways.
Pinpoint: Identify
Perhaps surprisingly, it's also rare
to find a trait that is uniquely human. Many traits that humans have, other
animals do too. The chin on the other hand, literally sticks out, and looking at how it did so may help us understand
another step in the process that led to us.
Stick out: If you stick out part of your body, you extend it away from your body. If something sticks out, it is
very noticeable because it is unusual.
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