diumenge, 11 d’agost del 2019

Wallmart & Amazon

Incalculable effort went into making Walmart absolutely world-class at merchandising. Walmart’s buyers became gatekeepers for access to the largest marketplace on the planet. The buyer’s job was to identify high-quality merchandise that the customer might want, and then negotiate the best possible price. As Claude Harris put it, “I always told the buyers: ‘You’re not negotiating for Walmart, you’re negotiating for your customer. And your customer deserves the best price you can get. Don’t ever feel sorry for a vendor. He knows what he can sell for, and we want his bottom price.’”

What is Amazon? by Zack Kanter 13/03/2019 

La idea de l'article, citat per John Naughton en The Guardian,  és que Wallmart és el precedent d'Amazon. El punt comú de les dues marques és el benefici del consumidor final sense cap consideració pel que hi ha darrera del mínim preu possible: "Don't ever feel sorry for": No tinguis cap mena de compasió.

La compasió, etimològicament és equivalent a simpatia en el sentit de considerar a l'altri, de sentir-se part del tot. Just el contrari del number one, american first o similars.

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