El més famós fou el temple Tokeiji a la ciutat de Kamakura. En aquest temple budista cap home va poder entrar fins al 1902.
Es fa referència en 1Q84-3 en una conversa entre Ushikawa i un vell agentg immobiliari:
“That building is owned by Mr. Ogata’s wife, and yes, in the past it was rented out as apartments. Why she happened to have that building, I don’t really know. Her circumstances did not exactly demand that she manage an apartment building. I imagine she mostly used it to house their employees. I don’t know much about it now, but it seems to be used for battered women, kind of like those kakekomidera, temples in the old days that sheltered wives running away from abusive husbands. Anyway, it isn’t going to fatten a real estate agent’s wallet.”
p. 50
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