dimecres, 12 d’agost del 2020

Shall or Will?

"The use of the verbs shall and will is a rock upon which even the best speakers come to wreck. They are interchanged recklessly. Their significance changes according as they are used with the first, second or third person. With the first person shall is used in direct statement to express a simple future action; as, "I shall go to the city tomorrow." With the second and third persons shall is used to express a determination; as, "You shall go to the city tomorrow," "He shall go to the city tomorrow."

With the first person will is used in direct statement to express determination, as, "I will go to the city to-morrow." With the second and third persons will is used to express simple future action; as, "You will go to the city tomorrow," "He will go to the city tomorrow."


How to Speak and Write Correctly, by Joseph Devlin
Chapter III

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