divendres, 30 de novembre del 2012

Absolut Vodka sense gluten

No al cent per cent, per si de cas, però

is highly unlikely that any gluten remains in ABSOLUT VODKA.

Informen que la Comisió de la Unió Europea ha conclós que no cal fer cap advertiment d'alèrgies. Si hi ha algun risc, mínim, sería en els productes de tipus "flavoured"

En una reposta quasi immediata, el Departament d'atenció al client, davant la pregunta si Absolut Vodka és absolutament gluten free ha contestat:

The ingredients for ABSOLUT VODKA are grain (wheat), enzymes, yeast (S. cerevisiae) and water from our own well. For the flavoured versions, only natural ingredients from berries, fruits and spices are used.

The gluten is removed in the production process since the spirit is first fermented and then distilled hundreds of times. We call this continuous distillation, a process so efficient that it eliminates the need for filtration. The crude spirit passes continually through a total of six columns. This gives full control of distillation at every stage and removes all impurities. This strict distillation process separates the gluten in the grain from the alcohol, why it is highly unlikely that any gluten remains in ABSOLUT VODKA.

The question of possible residues of allergens in distilled spirits has been reviewed by the European Food Safety Agency. On the basis of this and other information, the EU Commission concludes that grain used before distillation does not need an allergen warning (Commission Directive 2007/68/EC).

We know allergic reactions can be caused by very small amounts (or even traces) of ingredients. We are not in a position to guarantee that the flavour ingredients have not come into contact with gluten during the suppliers' production processes. Since any medical advice should be given on a personal basis by a medical expert, we can not recommend persons suffering from allergies to consume our flavoured products.

Best regards


Consumer contacts
The Absolut Company

Vodka gluten free
Vodka sin gluten
Vodka sense gluten

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