Lletra en català de My name is Luka de Suzanne Vega sobre un nen maltractat.
My name is Luka | Em dic Luka |
I live on the second floor | Visc en la segona planta |
I live upstairs from you | Visc a sobre teu |
Yes I think you've seen me before | Si, penso que m'has vist abans |
If you hear something late at night | Si sents algun soroll cap el tard |
Some kind of trouble. some kind of fight | Alguna mena de problema o algun soroll de baralla |
Just don't ask me what it was | No em preguntis res |
Just don't ask me what it was | No em preguntis res |
Just don't ask me what it was | No em preguntis res |
I think it's because I'm clumsy | Penso que és perquè soc una mica patós |
I try not to talk too loud | Intento no parlar massa fort |
Maybe it's because I'm crazy | Potser és perquè estic boig |
I try not to act too proud | Intento no ser massa orgullós |
They only hit until you cry | Sols et colpegen fins que plores |
After that you don't ask why | Desprès no preguntis el per qué |
You just don't argue anymore | No li donis més voltes |
You just don't argue anymore | No li donis més voltes |
You just don't argue anymore | No li donis més voltes |
Yes I think I'm okay | Si, crec que estic bé |
I walked into the door again | He tornat un altre cop cap a la porta |
Well, if you ask that's what I'll say | Bé, si em preguntes, és el que et diré |
And it's not your business anyway | I de fet no és el teu problema |
I guess I'd like to be alone | Suposo que m'agradaria estar sol |
With nothing broken, nothing thrown | Sense cap cosa trencada, sense llençar res |
Just don't ask me how I am | No em preguntis com em trobo |
My name is Luka … |
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