diumenge, 4 de gener del 2015

Luka de Suzanne Vega. Traducció al català

Lletra en català de My name is Luka de Suzanne Vega sobre un nen maltractat.
My name is Luka Em dic Luka
I live on the second floor Visc en la segona planta
I live upstairs from you Visc a sobre teu
Yes I think you've seen me before Si, penso que m'has vist abans
If you hear something late at night Si sents algun soroll cap el tard
Some kind of trouble. some kind of fight Alguna mena de problema o algun soroll de baralla
Just don't ask me what it was No em preguntis res
Just don't ask me what it was No em preguntis res
Just don't ask me what it was No em preguntis res
I think it's because I'm clumsy Penso que és perquè soc una mica patós
I try not to talk too loud Intento no parlar massa fort
Maybe it's because I'm crazy Potser és perquè estic boig
I try not to act too proud Intento no ser massa orgullós
They only hit until you cry Sols et colpegen fins que  plores
After that you don't ask why Desprès no preguntis el per qué
You just don't argue anymore No li donis més voltes
You just don't argue anymore No li donis més voltes
You just don't argue anymore No li donis més voltes
Yes I think I'm okay Si, crec que estic bé
I walked into the door again He tornat un altre cop cap a la porta
Well, if you ask that's what I'll say Bé, si em preguntes, és el que et diré
And it's not your business anyway I de fet no és el teu problema
I guess I'd like to be alone Suposo que m'agradaria estar sol
With nothing broken, nothing thrown Sense cap cosa trencada, sense llençar res
Just don't ask me how I am No em preguntis com em trobo
My name is Luka …

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