dimarts, 6 de gener del 2015

Eleanor Rigby. Traducció al català

Traducció al catala de la canço dels Beatles Eleanor Rigby

Eleanor Rigby Eleanor Rigby
Ah look at all the lonely people Mira a tota la gent solitària
Ah look at all the lonely people Mira a tota la gent solitària
Eleanor Rigby, picks up the rice Eleanor Rigby recull les restes d’arròs
In the church where a wedding has been A l'església després d'un casament
Lives in a dream Viu en un somni
Waits at the window, wearing the face Espera a la finestra possant una cara
That she keeps in a jar by the door que guarda en una gerra al costat de la porta
Who is it for Per a qui és?
All the lonely people Tota la gent solitaria
Where do they all come from? D'on venen?
All the lonely people Tota la gent solitaria
Where do they all belong? A qui pertanyen?
Father McKenzie, writing the words El pare McKenzie, escriu les paraules
Of a sermon that no one will hear d'un sermó que ningú escoltarà
No one comes near Ningú s'acosta 
Look at him working, darning his socks Mira'l treballant , sargint els seus mitjons
In the night when there's nobody there de nit quan no hi ha ningú
What does he care Què li fa?
All the lonely people Tota la gent solitaria
Where do they all come from? D'on venen?
All the lonely people Tota la gent solitaria
Where do they all belong? A qui pertanyen?
Ah look at all the lonely people Mira a tota la gent solitària
Ah look at all the lonely people Mira a tota la gent solitària
Eleanor Rigby, died in the church Eleanor Rigby, va morir a l'església
And was buried along with her name i va ser enterrada juntament amb el seu nom
Nobody came Ningu va anar
Father McKenzie, wiping the dirt El pare McKenzie, netejant-se la bruticia
From his hands as he walks from the grave de les seves mans s'allunya de la tomba
No one was saved Ningú es va salvar
All the lonely people Tota la gent solitaria
Where do they all come from? D'on venen?
All the lonely people Tota la gent solitaria
Where do they all belong? A qui pertanyen?

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