dilluns, 3 de juny del 2019

The president of the USA has been invited to meet the Queen of England by First Dog on the Moon

The president of the United States has been invited to meet the Queen of England

First Dog on the Moon

Sprinkle: A small quantity
Hawthorn twigs:ramitas de espino’ / ‘branquetes d’espinaler’
Dung:Estiércol’ / ‘Fems
Civets:Gineta’ / ‘Gat mesquer
He’s just making things up:Se está inventando cosas’ / ‘S’està inventant coses

Cruet: ‘Vinagrera’
The very Queen of England:La mismísima reina de Inglaterra’ / ‘L’autèntica reina d’Anglaterra’
Hand it to someone: Said to acknowledge how well someone has done something or how good they are at it, even though you do not like the person or do not approve of their actions: Whatever you thought of his act, you had to hand it to him – he knew how to make money.

Cartoon by First Dog on the Moon


Courtesy of Guardian News & Media Ltd.

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